Request a postal address
A postal address is the address of a family member, acquaintance or organisation that receives your post.
Under what circumstances can you request a postal address?
- If you will be living abroad for 8 months or less.
- If you are living in a care institution or prison.
- If you have no home address.
Belangrijke tekst: A temporary accommodation address or an address at a recreation park are also home addresses. You must then register at that address.
If you will be living abroad for longer than 8 months, you must inform us that you are emigrating.
Legal entity
Your postal address can also be the address of a legal entity, such as a foundation. This legal entity must be established in the Netherlands and must be designated by the municipality.
Attach the following documents:
- A completed and signed 'Application form postal address'.
- Complete the first part of the form yourself.
- Have the last page of the form completed by the main resident who gives permission for the postal address.
- The main resident and you must both sign the form.
- Fill in each question completely and truthfully.
- A copy of the main resident's ID.
- A copy of your ID.
- Evidence of your stay in a care, penitentiary or other institution (if applicable).
You must add all the attachments mentioned to your application, otherwise we will not process your application.
You will receive a written decision about your request within 4 weeks after your application.
Apply by post
You can also apply for a postal address by post. Send the permission and application form plus the required documents to:
Municipality of Groningen
PO Box 30026
9700 RM Groningen