Lost or found items

Lost or found something? You can report this to the municipality. You are obliged to report a found item. You can keep a found item yourself at home or take it to a municipality office.


Lost item?

  1. First visit the national Lost or Found websiteexterne-link-icoon to see whether someone has already found the item.

  2. If your item has been found and is at the Municipality of Groningen, you can collect the item during our opening hours. Please make sure you have your passport, ID card or driving licence with you as well as proof of ownership (receipt or photo).

Report lost or found items >externe-link-icoon


  • If you prefer not to keep the item yourself.
  • If the municipality asks you to hand in the item, for instance because it is a driving licence, travel document or bank card.
  • If the owner has reported to the municipality.

You can hand in an item during office opening hours (Office Centrum, Kreupelstraat 1).

You can keep a found item at home. You will then be responsible for the item’s condition and upkeep. If the owner reports to the municipality within the retention period, you are obliged to hand the item to the municipality.

If nobody reports to the municipality within the retention period, you become the owner of the found item. If you do not wish to keep the item, please contact the municipality: verlorenofgevonden@groningen.nl or call +31 50 367 7000.

Retention period

Value of itemRetention period
Below € 4503 months
Above € 4501 year

More information

If you have lost or found something in a public building (hospital, public transport), a shop or public grounds, please contact the organisation’s management.

Please do not report this via lost and found items. You should find out whether your bike has been towed away by the municipality or report to the police.

More information is available on the lost bike page.

Call 14 050 (also open at weekends) or use the contact formexterne-link-icoon. Make sure you mention your telephone number or state this in your message. The cost of retrieving a lost item from the container is € 35.

If you see an injured or dead animal, please contact Animal Ambulanceexterne-link-icoon (in Dutch).


  • Phone 050 367 70 00 (from abroad: +31 50 367 70 00)
  • Address: Kreupelstraat 1, Groningen
  • Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 08:30 - 17:00
  • More contact information