Apply for energy allowance

Low-income households can apply for the energy allowance until 1 June 2024.

How much is the energy allowance?

This is a one-off amount of € 800 or € 400 net per household.

  • Residents with an income of up to 120% of the social assistance level will receive € 800.
  • Residents with an income between 120% and 140% of the social assistance level will receive € 400.


Did you not receive the energy allowance automatically? But do you think you are entitled to it? Then you can apply for the energy allowance. This is possible from December 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024. If approved, payment will be made within 8 weeks.

Application form (DigiD) >externe-link-icoon (in Dutch)

Required data

To apply for the energy allowance you need:

  • Your DigiD.
  • Specification of one monthly income in the period September 1 to October 31, 2023.
  • A copy of your bank card or a statement of your bank account. We pay the energy surcharge to this bank account number.​​​​​

Are you self-employed? Then we need the following information from you for your monthly income:

  • A calculation of the net profit for at least one month in the period September 1, 2023 to October 31, 2023. Provide this as an Excel document. Make the calculation as follows: the gross turnover (excluding VAT) minus the costs incurred minus 17% for payment to the tax authorities. This is the net profit.
  • Sales tax return for third or fourth quarter 2023.


You are eligible to claim the 2023 energy allowance if, on 1 November 2023, you:

  • are aged 21 years or above;
  • live in the municipality of Groningen;
  • received benefits from us or your income was no higher than 140% of the social assistance level:

21 years to state pension age

120% of social assistance standard

140% of social assistance standard

Single (parent)

€ 1.459.94

€ 1.703,27

Married couple or cohabitating

€ 2.085,62

€ 2.433,23

From state pension age

120% of social assistance standard

140% of social assistance standard

Single (parent)

€ 1.629,19

€ 1.900,72

Married couple or cohabitating

€ 2.212,32

€ 2.581,04

You are not eligible to claim the 2023 energy allowance if:

  • you were aged 18, 19 or 20 years on 1 November 2023.
  • your income in September and October 2023 was higher than 140% of the social assistance level.
  • you are a student. You may be eligible for an energy cost allowance from the state. You can read about this on the National Government websiteexterne-link-icoon.
  • you live in a care facility or nursing home, or in a sheltered or assisted living facility, and the facility pays the energy costs and does not charge them to you.
  • you are only registered at a postal address and do not have your own residential address.

If you are unable to pay your energy bill with the energy allowance, or if you have extra high energy costs, for example due to illness, you may be entitled to individual special assistance.


What counts towards your monthly income:

  • Income from work (including holiday pay) or self-employment.
  • Income from assets (e.g. interest/shares/cryptocurrency).
  • Income from volunteer work more than € 190.00 per month or € 1900.00 per year.
  • Income from rental, subletting or having one or more boarders.
  • Social security benefits.
  • Alimony.
  • Tax credits from the Tax Authorities.
  • Other income (such as gambling income, gifts/financial contributions from others).

What does not count towards your monthly income:

  • Rent allowance, healthcare allowance, childcare allowance, child-related budget and child benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions

On 3 October, the Upper House approved the bill for a one-off energy allowance for 2023. This means that low-income households are also entitled to an energy allowance in 2023.

The prices of many goods and services, such as food, public transport and energy, have increased sharply in recent years. Those on a low income may find it difficult to pay their energy bill each month, and the energy allowance is intended to help with this.

We pay out the benefit in several periods. This gives us time to automatically pay the benefit to those residents whom we know are entitled to it.

No, the energy allowance does not count as income when you are receiving benefits, and nor does it count with respect to the allowances you receive from the Tax Administration.

No, that is not permitted.

You can contact the Groningen Credit Bank (Groningse Kredietbank, GKB). They will work with you to see how they can help you pay your bills. If you have debts and would like help with them too, GKB can also provide assistance.

GKB is located at Harm Buiterplein 1, and there are consultation hours every business day from 09:00 to 12:00 hours. You do not have to make an appointment. The telephone number of the GKB is 050 367 52 22. More information is available at

If you are unable to pay your energy bill with the energy allowance, you can apply for individual special assistance.

No, you are only entitled to receive the 2023 energy allowance once. If you have extra high energy costs due to illness, for example, you may be entitled to individual special assistance.

If you would like a lower energy bill but are unsure how to go about that, we’ve got some good news for you.

You can apply for an energy coach, free of charge, through Duurzaam Groningen (Sustainable Groningen). The energy coach will come to your home and discuss simple energy-saving methods with you. This may save you hundreds of euros per year. You can also ask the coach about insulation, your energy bill and heating.

The visit is free of charge, and you can also receive the materials for free, such as LED bulbs, radiator foil or draught tape (up to a value of 100 euros). So book an appointment with an energy coach soon, to save on your energy bill right away. 

You can make an appointment by clicking the ‘gratis energieadvies’ button at duurzaamgroningen.nlexterne-link-icoon. After you sign up, someone will call you to make the appointment.

No, it is not possible for us to pay the energy allowance earlier. We pay out to large groups at the same time to ensure that everyone who is entitled to the benefit receives it automatically as soon as possible. This means that it is not possible to make advance payments to residents at the same time.

National Emergency Energy Fund

If you have a gross income lower than €3200 (single) or €4480 (cohabiting) per month and have your own energy contract with an energy provider, and if your account for gas and electricity is higher than 8% to 10% of your gross income, then you may be eligible for financial support from the National Emergency Fund.

The national Emergency Energy Fund provides support to households by covering part of their energy account for a period of six months.

This emergency fund pays part of the household energy accounts. The Emergency Fund looks at the amount of the energy account compared to the combined household income. If your energy account is higher than 8 to 10% of your gross monthly income, then the Emergency Fund will reduce your energy account through the energy supplier.

More information and submitting an application

Visit noodfondsenergie.nlexterne-link-icoon

If you have any questions or would like more information, please call the Emergency Fund Hotline on 085 – 088 1111. The line is open on weekdays from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.

This is a private fund set up by energy suppliers together with a number of social organisations, and is supported by the national government. It is not a municipal scheme.