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Logo van Gemeente Groningen dat doorverwijst naar de homepage van Gemeente Groningen

Submit a document for registration

If you would like to have a document registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP), then you need to make an appointment.

Types of documents

Which foreign documents can you have registered in the BRP?

  • Birth certificate.
  • Marriage certificate or certificate of registered partnership.
  • Divorce certificate.
  • Death certificate.



You can consult the website netherlandsworldwide.nlexterne-link-icoon to see if your document must be legalized. Fill in the relevant country at the bottom of the webpage.


  • Your document must be in the Dutch, English, German, or French language.
  • If it is not in one of these four languages, you must have it translated by a certified translator.


Bring with you

  • Valid passport or ID card.
  • Original documents (some documents must be translated and certified).

If you also have to report an immigration, you can bring the documents with you during that appointment.

