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Shared car

Car sharing is affordable and easy to use via the providers' apps. You can also share your own car.

How much can you save?

Whether a shared car is cheaper for you depends on how often and how many kilometers you drive. Owning a car easily costs between € 300 and € 550 per month. You can use a shared car from € 30 per day.

More benefits

  • Only pay when you use it: If you occasionally need a car, the costs are often lower than with your own car. For example, you do not pay purchase costs, parking costs (at the car's location), maintenance costs, taxes and insurance costs.
  • Freedom of choice: Most providers offer different types of cars. This way you can use a smaller or larger car when you need it.
  • More space: We save space on the street when a car is shared. This freed-up space can be used for more greenery, meeting, playing, exercising and leisure.
  • Sustainable: From 2026, all shared cars in Groningen will be electric. In addition, car sharing leads to less car use and thus encourages the use of bicycle and public transport.

Trial period

Would you like to start sharing an electric car with your neighbours? The municipality offers the DEEL method for free to assist neighbourhoods.

For more information and the option to sign up, please visit duurzaamgroningen.nl/autodelenexterne-link-icoon


Commercial shared car providers

Commercial providers Shared cars are on the street and often have a fixed location. So you always have a parking space when you return. Where there is little parking space, we give priority to these professional shared cars.
The following professional shared car providers are active in Groningen: 

Car sharing between residents

You can rent cars from other residents on SnappCarexterne-link-icoon or Deelautoexterne-link-icoon. You can also rent out your own car.

Via SHARITexterne-link-icoon you can share your own car with a limited number of people. This platform provides easy mileage registration and provides an overview of journeys.

The Wheelshareexterne-link-icoon app makes it easy to share vehicles with your neighbours. You use your own vehicles, set the rates, and choose who participates. With the app, you can approve reservations. Additionally, the app offers a shared calendar, trip registrations, and automatic cost distribution. You can also share multiple vehicles, such as a trailer, camper, or cargo bike.

Apply for a permit

As a commercial provider, you must apply for a permit if you want to offer a shared car with a fixed location. This permit costs € 109,50 per year.

Gehighlighte tekst: Apply for a provider permit >externe-link-icoon


Do you have ideas, questions or comments about shared cars in Groningen? Send an email to Deelmobiliteit@groningen.nl.

Report nuisance from shared car?
If you are bothered by an illegally parked shared car, it is best to contact the provider directly: Greenwheelsexterne-link-icoon, JustGoexterne-link-icoon or MyWheels, OnzeAutoexterne-link-icoon.