Good Landlordship Act

The Good Landlordship Act took effect on 1 July 2023. This Act provides municipalities with more options to combat undesirable rental behaviour, such as housing discrimination, harassment, unreasonable service fees and excessive deposits.


The Good Landlordship Act requires that landlords and letting agents adhere to new rules when letting rental and accommodation properties. This ensures better protection for tenants. Tenants can also register complaints with the municipality.

What are the new rental rules about?

  • Preventing and combating discrimination and harassment.
  • Stipulating that landlords may require no more than two months’ basic rent as a deposit.
  • Recording the rental agreement in writing.
  • Informing tenants in writing about their rights and obligations for the residence.
  • Preventing unreasonable service fees.
  • Stipulating that letting agents may not charge double letting agency fees.
  • Providing a separate rental agreement in the correct language for migrant workers (foreign workers from a country within the European Union).

You can read more about this at the Central Government websiteexterne-link-icoon. There is also an explanatory videoexterne-link-icoon with subtitles in a variety of languages: Englishexterne-link-icoonSpanish (Españolexterne-link-icoon), Polish (Polskiexterne-link-icoon), Romanian (Românâexterne-link-icoon) and Bulgarian (българскиexterne-link-icoon).

Rental Harassment Reporting Hotline

If a landlord or letting agent does not comply with the rules, you can report them on the municipality reporting hotline. Making a report is free of charge and can be done anonymously. Please be aware, however, that making your report anonymously may hinder the investigation or make it impossible.

Go to the reporting hotline >

The municipality can impose fines or measures if landlords do not comply with the Good landlordship act. The law also obliges the municipality to make these sanctions public. On Sanctions Overview of the good landlordship actexterne-link-icoon you will find an overview of imposed sanctions based on the Good landlordship act.

Information for tenants

If you have general questions about renting and letting a home, you can visit the Rent Support Center Groningen (Steunpunt Huren)externe-link-icoon. You can also receive legal advice there.

You can check your rent on the National Government websiteexterne-link-icoon. If you are paying too much rent according to the scoring system, then you can notify the Rent Support Center Groningen (Steunpunt Huren)externe-link-icoon.

The Rent Support Center can help you to:

  • discuss the situation with your landlord;
  • initiate proceedings with the Rent Tribunal.

Yes. If you rent from a housing cooperative and want to report rental harassment, you can do so with the cooperative that leases the home.

Information for landlords and letting agents

Landlords and letting agents are required to adhere to the rules stipulated in the Good Landlordship Act. The municipality monitors this and takes action where necessary. If you do not comply with the rules, then the municipality may issue a warning or fine, or take some other measure.

To prevent and combat housing discriminationexterne-link-icoon, you should:

  • use and disclose a clear, transparent selection procedure;
  • use non-discriminatory selection criteria;
  • explain to unsuccessful prospective tenants why another tenant was chosen.

Brochure ‘Discrimination in the housing market’externe-link-icoon

With respect to the procedure, starting from 1 January 2024, you must:

  • put it in writing
  • make it public
  • amend it where necessary
  • ensure your employees (if applicable) are aware of it

Do you require your tenant to pay a security depositexterne-link-icoon? Starting on 1 July 2023, this security deposit may not exceed two months’ basic rent. For contracts concluded before 1 July 2023, this may not exceed three months’ basic rent. The court has made this ruling.

You must repay the security deposit to the tenant within 14 days after the end of the rental agreement. You may only settle the following four charges against the security deposit:

  • Overdue rent
  • Service fees
  • Damage to the rental property that is the tenant’s responsibility
  • Energy performance reimbursement

Other charges, such as administrative costs, may not be settled against the security deposit. When settling costs against the security deposit, you must pay the remaining amount to the tenant within 30 days after the end of the lease.

Information requirement

You are required to notify the tenant in writing about any settlement against the security deposit. You should include a full specification of the costs.

Upon concluding the lease agreement, you must inform the tenant in writing about the following points:

You may charge service fees. Service fees are costs in addition to the basic rent charged for a home, and may include things like electricity, gas and water. You may not charge your tenant unreasonable service feesexterne-link-icoon. The Rent Tribunal Service Fee Policy Manualexterne-link-icoon provides an overview of the permissible service fees. You must also provide the tenant with a substantiated statement of the service fees annually.

If you lease accommodation to a migrant worker (from a country within the European Union), the following additional rules apply:

  • You must establish the rental agreement separately from the employment contract.
  • You must provide the information about the tenant’s general rights and obligations in a language that the migrant worker understands or for which they have indicated a preference.

A migrant worker is an employee from abroad who is living in the Netherlands temporarily for work purposes.